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Application Form

Application Form

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Building Blocks is committed to recruiting the highest quality of staff and safeguarding the children in our care. Our application process is designed in order to achieve both of these goals. The information contained on this form will be used in our decision making process. If you are employed by us, any false information given by you will lead to disciplinary action and potentially immediate dismissal. Building Blocks is an equal opportunities employer. Applications are invited from all sections of the community irrespective of gender identity, marital status, disability, race, nationality, ethnicity, and religion.


Education & Training

Work History (Please give details of all employment, starting with most recent or present employer first)

Employer 1

Employer 2

Employer 3

Periods When Not Working


  • Any job offer is subject to satisfactory references and right to work checks
  • Please give full names, addresses and telephone numbers of two work related referees, at least one of whom should be your current or most recent employer.
  • If you are currently working with children your present employer will be asked about any disciplinary offenses  that are current and/or time expired; whether you have been the subject of any child protection concerns and if so; the outcome of these investigations. NOTE: If you are not currently working with children, but have done so previously, the above questions will be raised with your last childcare related organisation.
  • Please DO NOT use relatives or people you solely know in the capacity of friendship as a referee.
  • All references will be collected within a timely manner, suggested deadlines may be set in order to support a prompt turn around.
  • In the event of there being any gaps or queries these will be addressed but could result in a delay in obtaining a reference/start date.

Reference 1

Reference 2

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