From our Beautiful Babies right through to our Nursery School our curriculum design is centred around ensuring every child has the knowledge, skills and understanding required to meet the Early Learning Goals (ELG) by the end of their Reception year.
It is our duty to ensure that we are working in partnership with our parents/carers to promote the learning and development of all children in our care and preparing them for ‘school life.’ Through our knowledge of Child Development and with reference to Development Matters, Birth to Five Matters and the Characteristics of Effective Learning and Teaching, at
Blocks, we deliver our curriculum through the ‘Planning in the Moment’ approach that enables every child that attends our setting to thrive and make progress that is unique to their individual level of development.
Our educators seize teachable moments, responding to curiosity, wonder, and interest instantly, ensuring no learning opportunity is missed
Aligned with the Early Years Foundation Stage, our educational programme covers seven areas of learning and development, fostering well-rounded growth.
Progress and development occurs when children show high levels of involvement and it is during this time that their brain is at its most active. High level involvement occurs most often when children are able to pursue their own interests in an enabling environment supported by skilled educators. Planning in the moment helps to make this possible.
Through our knowledge of Child Development and with reference to Development Matters, Birth to Five Matters and the Characteristics of Effective Learning and Teaching ,at Building Blocks, we deliver our curriculum through the ‘Planning in the Moment’ approach that enables every child that attends our setting to thrive and make progress that is unique to their individual level of development
We know that babies and young children have experiences and learn in the here and now ,they don’t wait to store up their questions until tomorrow or next week.
The cycle of observation, assessment and planning is carried out on a moment-by-moment basis. An educator will observe a child and then in that precise moment they will consider (either consciously or instinctively) whether this as a ‘teachable moment’ where their skilled practice can make a difference.
The educator’s knowledge of the child’s personality and level of skill plays a vital role in this process to enable a response that is unique to the child ensuring learning is optimised to the highest level.
Our programme focuses on the seven areas of learning, guiding your child's development based on their age and capabilities. When you come and visit us you will be taken on a ‘Learning Walk’ where you will gain a greater understanding of the individual rooms, the specific teaching focus for that age range, how the educators will scaffold your child’s learning within this and the important role you will play in ensuring your child’s progress
The seven areas of learning
Educators will also ensure that the activities children are exposed to not only reflect the different ways that children learn as stated in the
Characteristics of Effective Learning and Teaching but allow for ample opportunity for these important skills to be developed;
Alongside our curriculum, led by our skilled Building Blocks educators, we have a variety of peripatetic teachers who visit us during the term-time to enhance our offering and provide a more specialist approach to certain aspects of the curriculum. These include teachers for; Foreign Language (French), Dance, Music, Sports, Swimming and Forest School.
Blocks is delighted to have consistently achieved high overall ratings from
OFSTED for both the delivery of our care as well as our education.
Your child's key carer ensures their progress and development align with the curriculum. Every six months, your child becomes a 'focus child,' with your input on their outside life. The key carer conducts formal assessments against Birth to Five Matters, ensuring continuous learning and addressing any concerns.
In addition to this your child’s key carer will then formally assess your child against Birth to Five Matters twice a year (at 6 monthly intervals following their baseline assessment) to ensure that any gaps in learning are being narrowed and that there are no concerns around your child’s development.
At age 2,a statutory progress check is conducted by your child's key carer, aligning with the Early Years Foundation Stage. Upon confirming expected progress in Prime Areas, the focus extends to Specific Areas.
Nursery School children receive additional support from the Early Years Teacher, providing termly summaries for your informed awareness during this period of support and extension
All children develop at different rates and no child can or will be compared to another. We assess your child's development using non-statutory guides like Development Matters and Birth to Five Matters. If concerns arise, your child's key carer communicates promptly, offering strategies for home support. Persistent concerns may lead to discussions about additional support from the Local Authority Inclusion team. We appreciate that this can be an emotional and upsetting time for parents/carers should their child need additional support however we would like to stress that it is vital that an yearly signs of delay are identified and supported as soon as possible to enable your child the best possible outcomes in the future.
Dundonald Congregational Church
Fairlawn Road
SW19 3QR
URN: EY544218