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Building Blocks Nurseries

Our Rooms

Beautiful Babies & Outstanding Ones

(0 – 24 months)

Our primary goal is to ensure that your child is safe and feels completely secure within a warm, cosy and stimulating environment that will enable them to fully access our curriculum.

As previously mentioned, our main focus within our Under 2’ are the Prime Areas of the curriculum although the children will also have exposure and experiences linked into the Specific Areas of the curriculum which is all about exploration and providing opportunities for them to begin to understand and make a sense of the world around them.

Top Toddlers

(15 – 36 months)

The Top Toddlers’ environment will capitalise on your child’s desire to roam and explore independently with a wide range of freely accessible natural resources provided to encourage investigation, experimentation, cooperation and communication within both the indoor and outdoor environments.

In Top Toddlers we continue with a strong emphasis on the Prime Areas and then begin to start introducing some skills from the Specific Areas relevant to the age and stage of your child’s development.

Premier Pre-School

(24 – 48 months)

Developing independence is a top priority within Pre-School. The children are treated with love, support and affection and are encouraged to reciprocate this both towards their educators and each other. This provides a sound basis from which important social skills can be developed.

Continuing with our ‘Planning in the Moment’ approach to learning and teaching our Premier Pre-School environment and routine facilitates our 2 and 3yr olds in obtaining a positive self-identity, high self-esteem, enthusiasm, curiosity, mental agility and social consideration. These are fostered by our educators, who ensure the children are excited and motivated, supported, encouraged and challenged. As you walk into our room of Premier Pre-Schoolers, it is likely you will hear an enthusiastic, “I DID IT!!!” above the din.


Our Premier Pre-School children are very lucky to have free flowing access to their own outdoor classroom throughout the day, which is always a popular choice. Our educators also have knowledge in ‘Letters and Sounds,’ a government initiative which teaches children the skills required to become competent in reading and writing and use this during teachable moments led by the children’s interests. Group times such as stories, songs or physical movement activities encourage children to sit for short periods of time, increasing their ability for sustained focus. Mealtimes, whilst supporting this, also provide a wonderful opportunity for social interaction and teaching social skills such as turn taking, manners and of course the children’s independence as self-service is heavily encouraged.

Nursery School

(36 – 60 months)

Children will transition into Nursery School the academic year before they start Reception. Our primary aim is to provide your child with all of the skills, knowledge and confidence required for a successful experience at whatever school you may ultimately select. Our curriculum programme has the benefit of a qualified and experienced Early Years Teacher whose focus is on developing the “total” child; enhancing intellectual potential, perpetuating empathy and social propriety, and encouraging a positive attitude towards work and learning. At the same time, there is an emphasis on academic achievement and our role in ensuring all our Nursery School children will be in a position to have achieved all of the Early Learning Goals by the time they finish Reception. Our environment and programme is uniquely devised in accordance with our Planning in the Moment approach which optimises the children’s capabilities in leading their own learning with the facilitation of quality educators who can differentiate their teaching to suit individual needs and abilities. This is vital in their preparation for school as we develop their skills around; thinking and decision making, attention facilitation and increased memory capacity. It is also our aim to ensure that your child develops important social and emotional skills, such as respect for others, high self-esteem, boldness in the face of challenge, and an inherent enthusiasm and curiosity about the world.

Sessional Pre-School (Teddington Only)

(18-48 months) : Term time only

Our Sessional Pre-School combines a mixture of our Top Toddler, Premier Pre-School and Nursery School principles dependant on the age and stage of your child.

Room Moves

When considering children’s movement across the rooms we do this largely in September with occasional transitions in January & April.

Wherever possible, children will remain within their academic peer group, particularly in Pre-School and Nursery School.  Personal, social, emotional and physical development/readiness are also taken into consideration. September is our biggest movement within the setting due to the United Kingdom schooling system which states children will start Reception the September after they turn 4yrs.


Smaller room moves may take place in January and April, space dependent.  It is worth noting that if your child is Autumn born (September – December) they will naturally spend a longer period of time with us to a Summer born child (April – August) and therefore will always be amongst the eldest in their room. 

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