Thank you for your interest in Building Blocks Childcare.
If you would like to speak with someone about availability/join our waiting list then please complete the enquiry form and someone will call you within 48hrs.
Please also take a look through our
Terms & Conditions and
Waiting List Policy and Procedure.
There is a one-off fee to register your child to join our waiting list of £50, (£40 for a sibling) payable when you return your registration form. This fee is non-refundable and covers the administration of maintaining the waiting list, updating child/parent/carer’s details and communicating with parents/carer’s via email and/or telephone. Once registered, children are placed on the waiting list in accordance with the date of application. Automatic entry onto the Kids Club (Before and After-School) waiting list will take place on your child’s first day in the nursery and then the April before your child starts reception, you will be given the opportunity to validate your place on the Kids Club waiting list by paying a £15.00 non-refundable administration fee.
Dundonald Congregational Church
Fairlawn Road
SW19 3QR
URN: EY544218